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Q: What did willy resolve to talk about with howard?
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What is the result of willys meeting with howard?

howard fires willy from his job

In Death of a Salesman why is howard Wagner so unsympathetic to people like willy?

I wouldn't say Howard was unsympathetic to Willy. He felt Willy was a good salesman in his time; however, Willy's desperation and decline in standard of work led to Howard thinking of Willy as a liability, and so he found himself having to fire him. There was an incident that seems as if Howard were showing off his family and purchases in an almost friendly way to Willy; however, this could also be interpreted as Howard flaunting his wealth.

What happens at the end of Willy's meeting with Howard in Death of a Salesman Act II?

In Death of a Salesman, Willy loses his job during his meeting with Howard.

Howards reaction to willy?

Howard reacts dismissively to Willy's request for a non-traveling job and ultimately fires him. Howard represents the corporate world, while Willy is a disheartened salesman struggling with his sense of self-worth. Howard's reaction symbolizes society's emphasis on material success over personal well-being.

In Death of a Salesman what does howard show willy in his office?

His wire recorder.

In Death of a Salesman what does Will's boss show him?

In the Morning as willy comes to office to ask his boss, Howard Wagner for a transfer to New York. As Willy enters the office he sees Howard with a Wire-recorder. It's a machine that records something and you can listen to it whenever you want to. This was what Willy's boss had shown him.

Describe howard's reaction to willys problems?

Howard displays impatience and detachment towards Willy's problems. He prioritizes business matters over Willy's personal struggles, showing little understanding or empathy towards him. Howard's response highlights a lack of compassion and a focus on profit-driven concerns.

How do you get into the chochalate factory?

you go talk to willy wonka

What does Willy plan to ask Howard his boss?

For a job that does not require him to travel.

Why does willy talk so much about the car?

Because that is all he cares about.

In the book Death of a Salesman Who was currently in charge of the Wagner Company?

Howard Wagner, the son of Willy Loman's long-time boss, inherited the company from his father and is Willy's current boss.

How can conflict be resloved?

the easiest way to resolve conflict. To talk it out.