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In Mecca, Muhammad was a businessman or merchant. In Mecca, Muhammad remained monogamous, married only to Khadija, even though polygamy was common in Arabia. His wife's cousin, Waraqa ibn Nawfal was a Christian. Muir, in Life of Mahomet which appeared between 1856-61, said that in the Meccan period of his life there can be traced no personal ends or unworthy motives.

In Medina, Muhammad became a great sayyid (chief ) and was expected to have a large harem, but most of these marriages were politically motivated. His favourite new wife was Aisha.

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Q: What did Muhammad do for work before he began to preach Islam and what type of man was he?
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Arabian Peninsula ____________________________________________________________ Islam began by beginning of universe creation as Allah (or God in English and same God in Christianity and Judaism) created all creatures on basis of submission and surrender to His will (that means Islam). However, Islam per Quran revelation to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) began in Arabian Peninsula. Refer to related question below.