Luis Alvarez or Luis alvarez?
Luis Alvarez Renta was born in 1950.
Luis Alvarez was born on June 13, 1911.
Luis Alvarez has written: 'Mis otros cuentos'
Luis W. Alvarez has written: 'Alvarez' -- subject(s): Biography, Physicists
Luis F. Alvarez died on 1937-05-24.
Luis F. Alvarez was born on 1853-01-04.
Luis Alvarez and Walter Alvarez made scientific creations of many things we still use today.
Juan Luis Alvarez Gayou has written: 'Sexualidad'
The physicist Luis W. Alvarez was of mixed Spanish-English descent. He was the grandson of the physician Luis F. Alvarez who was from Asturias, Spain and lived in Cuba. His mother was named Smyth, a classic English name. (I met Luis Alvarez a few times as a child.)
Luis Walter Alvarez was born on June 13, 1911 in San Francisco, California, USA.
Luis Alvarez died on September 1, 1988 at the age of 77.