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1. What inspired you to do ____?

2. Was there something/anything that drove you to your success?

3. What do you believe that ____?

4. Who was YOUR role model growing up? Who is it now?

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Q: What could you ask a role model?
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How is tyrese Gibson a good role model?

Tyrese Gibson could be a good role model for different reasons, depending on how you view him. He is in good shape, he is a successful actor, and he has fame, which could all lead to him being a good role model.

How do you get over losing a role model paticulary when you grew up without one?

A role model is someone that you look up to. So, you should ask yourself, "What would my role model do or want me to do?" If they were a good role model, they may have wanted to you stand strong and to continue living your life in the best way that you can.

Is Edward Cullen a good role model for young men?

He could be viewed as a good role model, but it depends on whether or not there are people who would look at him that way. Personally I don't see him as a role model.

Who was david's role model?

It could be Mendieta, former Valencia player.

Who was David Villa's role model?

It could be Mendieta, former Valencia player.

Why people have role models?

People have role models to help them focus on there goal, so that they could get better at it. A child with a role model is inspired and driven to achieve there goals. Having a role model helps a child focus on there goal, so that they could get better at it. A child with a role model is inspired and driven to achieve there goals. Role Models are people who others look to for guidance. There are good role models who inspire greatness in others and bad role models who are what we call "bad influences."

How do you spell role model?

A role model is a person that you admire and stand up to.

Who was Diana's role model?

Who was Princess Diana's role model?

How do you become a model for target?

Go to target and ask the manager or you could do modeling in try out.

Who was Princess Diana's role model?

Who was Princess Diana's role model?

Is gorden ramsay a good role model?

how am i supposed to know go and ask some one else i cant do all the work

What do you have for your favorite role model?

You either admire or have and admiration for your role model.