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While playing Basketball, this player sprained his ankle. Probably not a good idea to play without shoes! Symptoms of a sprain include swelling and discoloration near the affected area.

A sprain occurs when a ligament is inflamed or torn. Ligaments, such as those of the ankle, are bands or sheets of regular, tough fibrous tissue that connect bones together.

Here is the normal state of the ankle and its ligaments. Depending on the severity of the injury, the ligaments may be mildly injured and inflamed as in a Type One ankle sprain; partially torn, classified as a Type Two sprain; or completely torn, making it a Type Three sprain.

Treatment for a Type One sprain should include Rest, Ice, Compression and immobilization, and Elevation of the affected area. This is easy to remember if you think of the acronym RICE. If you suspect a ligament is torn or completely severed, see your health care provider for treatment.

Reviewed By

Review Date: 10/06/2008

Thomas N. Joseph, MD, Private Practice specializing in Orthopaedics, subspecialty Foot and Ankle, Camden Bone & Joint, Camden, SC. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.

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An ankle sprain is the most common type of ligament injury, and the most common cause of an ankle sprain is sports related, accounting for 20% an estimated 2 million injuries a year.

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ACL injuries have seemed to increase due to the increased activities in sports. This is an important factor that creates ACL injuries among people who are athletes or mostly inclined to sports activities. ACL injuries mostly occur while pivoting suddenly on one's knee, landing with a jerk, or twisting one's knee. Women or girls are more prone to ACL injuries due to their structure of the knee joint. Women also have wider hips which affect the alignment of the knee joint and makes the area more vulnerable to ACL injuries. There are a lot of techniques suggested by sport's specialist's doctors to consider while dealing with sport's activities that can cause an ACL injury. The ACL is a knee ligament that is crucial to the stability of the knee joint. The ACL injury can occur due to sports activities or many other factors during movement and can be handled through exercises and giving proper care to the knee. Ranka Hospital, Pune provides the best treatment for ACL injuries.

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What are some treatments for an injury to the ACL?

ACL injuries are quite common in people who are more likely to be a part of sports activities. While ACL injuries are also bound to occur while you are in your daily activities or movement. There are a couple of treatments to be done for ACL injuries and some of them are, anti-inflammatory medication, physiotherapy, and if required surgery. Even after the surgery, some physiotherapy procedures are a must for the proper healing of the injury. Proper and timely exercises can also help in healing an ACL injury. It is very important to note that the healing of the injury occurs slow and you need to have the patience to go on with the process. Adequate rest is also very important as a part of the treatment. Ranka Hospital, Pune provides the best treatment for ACL injuries.

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