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The difference is that today's games are much more action packed.

In addition, today's sports involve much more fan support and

money..therefore there is a great deal more of media attention than

in the 1920's. You must remember that in the 1920's there was no television

and radio had just come into use. So, most people, unless they lived

in cities where sports were played on a large scale, didn't have access

to the information that we have now. As well, the players then, as with the

rest of society, were smaller and not as general. Now, with changes

to diet and more focus on conditioning, the players of today are larger

and generally more athletic than in the 1920's.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Well, the sports are played the exact same but the players and there surroundings are very different. In the 1920s the players went the same places everyone else did and so it was common to see someone like Babe Ruth eating peacefully at a restaurant. But now a days, if you saw someone like Albert Pujols at a restaurant then everyone would be going crazy and fighting just to get to him. The players in the 1920s weren't as big headed either.

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13y ago

Sport differs in the fact that back then facts and figures are a lot less as to the fact that they're now better training programmes, diets and in a way humans were still evolving. Sport was also much more dis-organised and there wasn't such a large demand to tickets due to a lack of transport.

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14y ago

well, in Basketball back then, the player's shorts were really short (to short) and today they are pretty long. how they are alike? they both play the sport the same way today.

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Q: What are some similarities and differences between sports stars and pro sports in the 1920s and today?
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