a strawberry
Examples of runners are strawberry... It is called a runner not because it runs because it is just like dispersing
fern,mildew,and algae
some examples of runner plants are:strawberries,grass,and Ivy.
Vine vegetables are vegetables which grow on vines...examples cucumbers, squash, tomatoes
Vegetables and bananas are a few examples.
Click on the related links further down this page to go to the vegan fitness/ runners websites.
Carrots, corn, broccoli,green leafy vegetables and many more! ^_^
Which vegetables are green?Here are some examples: Broccoli, Cellery, Cucumber, Lettuce, Spinach.
Spinach, lettuce and cabbage are just 3 examples of the many leaf vegetables.
Apples,oranges,bananas,grapes and carrots are examples of fruits and vegetables that do not need to be refrigerated.
Garlic and Onion are examples of pungent vegetables.