She and David (subject) went to school. The teachers taught her and David, or David and her (object), to read.
A compound subject can never have "her" as the pronoun.
TIP: It's really much easier to use proper names when making a compound noun.
Example: Sally and David went shopping.
But, alas, there are times when we must use the pronoun.
For example, in a conversation, a Mom asks:
"Where is Sally?"
"She and David went shopping."
TIP: Anytime you are unsure of the pronoun to use in a compound noun, remember that the sentence must be readable with one and both.
As examples of splitting up the sentence to use this tip:
Wrong: Sally and her went shopping.
Right: Sally went shopping. (remove one in the compound noun)
Wrong: Her went shopping. (remove one in the compound noun)
So this tells you the right way would be: Sally and she went shopping.
(Remember, though, "she" must be defined in a previous sentence before using the pronoun.)
Wrong: Him and Sally went to the movies.
Right: Sally went to the movies.
Wrong: Him went to the movies.
Right: He went to the movies.
So this break-down tells you that "he" should be the pronoun in a compound noun.
Correct: He and Sally went to the movies.
Correct: Sally and he went to the movies.
Again, it may be far easier to define the pronoun and use the proper name.
Correct: Sally and George went to the movies (or George and Sally).
Wrong: Sally and them went out to eat.
Right: Sally went out to eat.
Wrong: Them went out to eat.
Correct: Sally and they went out to eat. (as long as you defined "they" before)
Here it may be easier to assign a noun to "they". For examples: Sally and her friends; The family and Sally; Sally and her friends; The students and Sally; Sally and the students; Sally and the other students...
Yes, it should be because 'Star of David' is the name of an item.
David Cook should definitely win American Idol. He is the best and the best should win. David Archuleta is good but, to young. Sorry Archuleta fans! Go cook
i dont know who david archuleta wants to marry and he should chose the right girl for him. also no one should chose for him ha should and david arculeta is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo..................................................................................sexxie/hot!
no but you should
David Garrard
He was competing against David Archuleta. And David Archuleta SO should of won!!!
Technically, David's may be used to mean David has, as in this sentence: "David's been to the dentist." However, in formal writing, the use of David's should be restricted to the possessive form.
it depends how good is david with her? Does he loves her? If he does and his been good with her then YES!!
Selena Gomez
Call David's Bridal and ask about it.
I belive it is Kawiki It should be Kawika not kawiki