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Q: Research on most high power sports shows that athletes benefits more improvements in strength than through improvments in skill. True or false?
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Improved Medical Treatments, Environment Awareness, Education Improvements, Farming and Agriculture Improvements and Military Superiority and Defence/ Government Improvements.

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The benefits are unbelievable from disease improvements to prevention, weight loss, energy, improvements in ADD and autism. However there are cheaper more effective supplements out there. See my bio page.

Who benefits most interval training?

All types of athletes benefit most from interval training.

What are the benefits of a greater power to weight ratio and what type of athletes are likely to benefit from it?

The power to weight ratio is the power generated divided by the person's body weight. It benefits athletes because the greater the PWR is, the less physical effort the athlete has to do to achieve a goal. Endurance athletes, such as mounain bikers, tiatheletes, etc. will benefit from a greater PWR.

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What are the benefits to you and the organization if improvements can be identified and implemented?

by having a gangbang evry one will be plesured. 8--D

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The legal owner does. The person who originally granted the life estate.

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What are the benefits of sports nutrition supplements?

One of the benefits of sports nutrition supplements is that it provides vitamins and nutrients not found in normal foods. Another benefit is that they help boost production in athletes.