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A pace-setter or pacemaker. Also known as a 'rabbit'.

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Q: One who sets the pace?
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What actors and actresses appeared in Betty Sets the Pace - 1920?

The cast of Betty Sets the Pace - 1920 includes: Muriel Ostriche as Betty

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What is pancemaker?

SA node '' sets the pace for the heart

Knot of modified myocardium that sets the pace of the heart?

The knot of modified myocardium that sets the pace of the heart is the sinoatrial (SA) node. The SA node is on the wall of the right atrium.

What is a timing device that sets the pace for executing instructions?

The timing device used in microprocessors that sets the pace for executing instructions is called the clock. Often, it is a crystal oscillator.

What is the most memorable aspect of the Pace salsa commercial that sets it apart from other advertisements?

The most memorable aspect of the Pace salsa commercial is its catchy jingle that sticks in viewers' minds and sets it apart from other advertisements.

How do I define my muscles?

Lighter weights, but more sets. Reps should be at a good pace.

Which element is the pace of a poem most closely related to?

The pace of a poem is most closely related to its rhythm. The rhythmic pattern created by stressed and unstressed syllables sets the pace and flow of the poem.

What should Rest periods between sets be for medium weight training?

If you're doing reps, try 3 sets of 5, with 30 seconds rest in between. That is a moderate pace.

Where can one purchase a pace calculator?

A pace calculator is an application a runner can use to determine their pace after a race. One can purchase an pace calculator app at most app stores. The Running Room and other running related websites have pace calculators one can use for free.

What is the two sets of reactions that need to occur in order for photosynthesis to take pace?

light dependent and light independent reactions

A sentence for pace?

When running, I pace myself because I do not want to run out of energy or breath.The pace of the class was very fast.He set the pace for the run.They had to pace off the distance to set the flags up.