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American football, hockey, boxing, Rugby

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Q: Name a sport where players often get injured?
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How many football injuries happen per game?

In the NFL, players will get injured all the time. Most games have at least one injury in it, whether it is a major or minor injury. Sometimes, they even get injured off the field, perhaps in the workout room, or out in public. It is hard to name an exact amount of injuries, because so many players get injured all the time.

What percentage of NFL players get injured?

Fifty percent.

What was the players name who injured Lionel messi?

It was a Cech Republic player, who previously played for Udainesee. Ufsanji or some funny name.

Where did the name NFL come from?

The NFL is called the NFL because it is a American sport that has National players in it.

What sport is tom daly famous for?

It depends. There are a couple of baseball players and a basketball player by that name.

What is the name of the sport played in Florida where the players throw a ball with a basket type bat?

Jai Lai

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Name a sport that parents would worry about their child participating in?

Rugby because it is a rough sport and players are more likely to get injured.Boxing is too because the aim is to harm the opponent.

Name a sport whose players might have Pot Bellies?

Wrestling Football Bowling Baseball Pool Hockey Golf