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Q: Is this diary only helpful in researching Sidney Montz or can it be used to research broader subjects?
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Are science blogs helpful for research?

This is unfortunately a yes or no question, and it's also a matter of opinion. For most people interested in researching science a specified blog would be useful as long as it contains accurate information.

Where could student researchers student subjects find additional resources regarding the IRB approval process?

Student researchers and subjects can find additional resources regarding the IRB approval process on their institution's website, through the Office of Research Compliance or Institutional Review Board (IRB) office, or by attending workshops or training sessions provided by the university or research department. It's also helpful to consult the Federal Regulations and Guidelines for Human Subjects Research (such as the Common Rule) for detailed information on ethical guidelines and best practices.

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Cars are big polluters. Books are helpful tools when researching different topics.

Is this website a piece of junk?

It is very helpful in popular situations but useless when researching underrated topics.

Do social media help with learning and researching?

It is more helpful for increasing traffic and brand awareness.

How research will be helpful for the development of a nation's economy with real time examples?

Of course, research will be helpful for the development of a nation's economy. The more research there is, the better it will be for that nation's economy.

How is rutherfordium helpful?

only for research

A student researching the etymological development of a word would find the to be most helpful?

Oxford English Dictionary.

The Oxford English Dictionary is most helpful in researching?

the definitions, pronunciations, and etymologies of words.

How is co education helpful?

Co-education cab be helpful because it promotes cooperation from both genders. Since females tend to do better in some subjects while males in other subjects, they can learn from each other.

Why is research helpful?

To assist in maitaining and improving.

Is bibliography the same thing as resource?

No, bibliography and resource are not the same thing. A bibliography is a list of sources (books, articles, websites, etc.) that have been used in research or writing, while a resource is a broader term that refers to any helpful tool or information that can be used for a specific purpose.