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Q: Is the configuration of a surface including its relief and the position of features?
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What are the studies of the earths features?

Geography is the study of Earth's surface and includes topography, climate, soil, and vegetation. Topography is the precise detailed study of the surface features of a region, including the configuration of its surface and the relations among its man-made and natural features.

The configuration of a surface including its relief and the position of its natural and man-made features?

The description provided refers to the topography of a surface, which encompasses both natural features (such as hills, valleys, and rivers) and man-made structures (like roads, buildings, and bridges). Understanding the topography of an area is crucial for various activities such as urban planning, civil engineering, and landscape design. Topographic maps and surveys are commonly used to visually represent and analyze the configuration of a surface.

The undulating form that gives Earth's surface its character and general configuration is called?

The undulating form that gives Earth's surface its character and general configuration is called topography. Topography refers to the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area, including the distribution, shape, and elevation of landforms.

Topography of Africa?

African configuration of the surface and the relations among its man-made and natural features

What term refers to the shape or configuration of the landforms on Earth's surface?

The term for the shape or configuration of landforms on Earth's surface is topography. Topography includes features like mountains, valleys, slopes, and plains.

How much percent of Jupiter is land?

We have no information at all concerning surface features on Jupiter, including whether or not it has anything that me might cause a "surface".

Topography deals with surface features of a region including its landforms and rivers lakes etc and with man-made features such as canals bridges and roads According to this definition the t?

Topography deals with surface features of a region, including its landforms and rivers, lakes, etc., and with man-made features such as canals, bridges, and roads. According to this definition, the topography of a region includes its? mountains

What is the type of map that shows the surface features of an area?

A topographic map shows the surface features of an area, including hills, valleys, rivers, and other landforms. It uses contour lines to represent the elevation of the terrain.

What is the definiftion for topographic?

The detailed mapping or charting of the features of a relatively small area, district, or locality. the detailed description, especially by means of surveying, of particular localities, as cities, towns, or estates. the relief features or surface configuration of an area.

What is a feature on earths surface called?

Their are a bunch of different features including: Mountains, bodies of water, valleys, and volcanoes.

What is the best description of topography?

Topography refers to the study or detailed description of the surface features of a region, including its elevation, shape, and terrain characteristics. It is often depicted on maps using contour lines to show changes in elevation and land features.

What is the made up of all features on earth's surface?

Earth's surface is made of of all the features on its surface.