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Q: Is knowledge more important than being athletic?
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How you use more athletic in a sentence?

After being in the gym, he was more athletic than he used to be.

Why are knowledge workers becoming more important in the developed nations?

because jobs are being outsourced their from more developed nations. Knowledge workers have ability to act and communicate with knowledge of a specific subject area.

Is divine knowledge or secular knowledge more important?

Secular knowledge is more important than divine knowledge, because divine knowledge is non-provable and based on superstition.

Is bookish knowledge more important than experience knowledge?

Both are important. They each have their place.

What is more important education or grades and why?

Education is more important, but if you are learning what you are being taught your grades will reflect it.

Is money more important than knowledge?

In my opinion.. Knowledge is way more important. It think their about even nowadays, you cant have anything without money, cant have a career without knowledge

What is more important than knowledge?

Honesty. Using that knowledge (If at all) in an ethical way.

What is more important or knowledge?

Knowledge, Because education can only get you so far without the knowledge to know what you need that education for.

Who said said Imagination is more important than knowledge?

The quote "Imagination is more important than knowledge" is attributed to Albert Einstein. Einstein believed that imagination was crucial for innovation and pushing boundaries of knowledge.

What was Einstein's motto?

Imagination is more important than knowledge....................

What is more important- Knowledge or Education?

Knowledge, Because education can only get you so far without the knowledge to know what you need that education for.

Is knowledge more important than wisdom?

Knowledge and wisdom are both valuable, but they serve different purposes. Knowledge is information acquired through study or experience, while wisdom is the ability to apply that knowledge in a thoughtful, insightful way. In many situations, wisdom is considered more important because it involves understanding the deeper implications and consequences of actions.