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Q: Is it a good thing that pro athletes get too much money?
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None, they don't even get paid it is just a good thing for their country.

Are athletes worth the money they make?

Athletes do make to much money and I dont think that they should make this much.but then they do deserve it...

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According to the famous saying, one can never have too much of a good thing. This implies that too much of even a positive or enjoyable thing can ultimately become burdensome or detrimental.

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Athletes put lots of money in training I play hockey and I'm 12 and my parents have a lot cold hard cash on me

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abusing people is not a good thing to do so if you are thing of becoming on i advise you to not.

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Could having too much money be a bad thing?

well yes and no its good to have money to save so you can spend later but too much money can breed greed

Which is better Love over money or money over love?

Lots of things are better over money. Money brings greed to people. You've heard too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

How much do athletes donate to charity?

Some athletes are greedy, and do not donate. But other athletes give some money ranging for $12,000,000 to 120,000,000. But some others are greedy, but they do donate $30,000.

Do people that play sport proffesionally earn to much money?

Supply and demand. As long as people are willing to pay great athletes top dollar, then great athletes are going to want as much money as they can get. It's like asking are actors paid too much money? Are CEOs paid too much money? As long as people are willing to pay as much money as people want, people in all professions are going to ask for as much money as they can get.

Why hasn't the large salaries of professional athletes had a negative impact on the athletes or the sport?

Because the economy doesn't focus on mlb and how much money they make.

Do track athletes get paid for setting world records?

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