Susan Butcher's birth name is Susan Howlet Butcher.
yes she is still alive
yes she is
no no
Susan Butcher was born on December 26, 1954, in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Susan Butcher DID have a brother, and her brother DID die from leukemia at a young age. Susan had a brother named Evan Butcher and if you go to, type this: Susan Butcher Brothers, [ do the capitals, too] you will see that on the second page, there is the answer to this question. If you see this while hanging around on the internet while I was typing this while looking at stuff for a report I have to do, use this answer to do anything YOU need to do and do it. Susan's brother who died was named Charles Evan Butcher. She has two surviving brothers, Ben Butcher and Andrew Butcher.
Yes. She is still alive and it is September 2012.
No she died in 2000