Right handed, left footed
Gareth Bale has blue eyes.
Gareth Bale was born on July 16, 1989
As of January 2014, Gareth Bale is still alive.
Gareth Bale was born on July 16, 1989.
Gareth Bale was born on July 16, 1989
Gareth Bale drives an Audi R8 Silver.
Gareth Bale is Welsh - he was born in Cardiff on July 16, 1989.
i think that Gareth bale is probably faster than Steven gerrard but gerrard has more skill than gareth bale
Gareth Bale in a Welsh footballer. He plays for Tottenham Hotspurs mainly as a Left Winger. Although he initially came to the scene as Left Back. He had a great 2009/2010 season helping Spurs to 4th spot in the Premier League.
at the moment it would definitely be Gareth Bale
mine is Gareth Bale too