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Q: How will Vital Capacity affect an athlete's performance?
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What are four factors that can affect the vital capacity of a person?

Four factors that can affect the vital capacity of a person are age (vital capacity decreases with age), gender (males tend to have higher vital capacity than females), height (taller individuals usually have higher vital capacity), and physical fitness level (regular exercise can increase vital capacity).

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Why is a athletes vital capacity higher than the average person?

Athletes have higher vital capacity due to their well-trained respiratory muscles and improved lung function from regular exercise. This allows them to take in more oxygen and expel more carbon dioxide, resulting in greater lung capacity compared to the average person.

Why does an increase in vital capacity benefit athletes?

An increase in vital capacity benefits an athlete because it gives him more stamina. Individuals are capable of pushing themselves longer and harder because their breathing has expanded.

How does emphysema affect vital capacity?

Emphysema's effect on vital capacity increases as the disease progresses. Emphysema is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) which obstructs the passage of air out of the lungs. As a person exhales with emphysema, the airways close prematurely which reduces the exhalation volume thus reducing vital capacity.

Why would a lack of iron affect performance in sports?

Calcium is vital for the development of the skeleton (strong bones).

How does respiratory volumes relate to athletic performance?

The more athletic a person is the higher their vital capacity would be. Vital capacity measures the maximum amount of air that can fill the lungs. Someone who is athletic would be able to consume larger amounts of air into their lungs.

How does your calculated vital capacity compare to recorded vital capacity?

tu mama

What is vital capacity of lungs?

the vital capacity of lungs is 3.5 liters to 4.5 litres

How does height affect vital capacity?

due to surface area. if you are taller your lungs will have a greater surface area which will raise the volume.

For vital capacity what units are the measurements in?

My vital capacity is 1650cc (Yes, it's very low, but I'm twelve and I'm small). cc is used to measure vital capacity.

What is vital lung capacity?

vital lung capacity is how much air remains in your lungs after you exhale