Ramses Barden was born on 1986-01-01.
Ramses Barden plays for the Buffallo Bills.
Ramses Barden plays Wide Receiver for the Buffallo Bills.
NFL player Ramses Barden weighs 224 pounds.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Ramses Barden is 28 years old.
NFL player Ramses Barden played for Cal Poly-S.L.O..
Eve Barden is 5' 10".
NFL player Brandon Barden is 6'-04''.
Ramses I was 6' (1.83 m).
Ramses I was 6' (1.83 m).
Ramses Ishak is 6' 1".
Brian Barden is 5 feet 11 inches tall. He weighs 190 pounds. He bats right and throws right.