Nick Noonan is 6 feet 1 inches tall. He weighs 170 pounds. He bats left and throws right.
MLB player Nick Noonan was born in Poway, CA.
MLB player Nick Noonan weighs 170 pounds.
Nick Noonan plays for the San Fancisco Giants.
MLB player Nick Noonan bats left.
MLB player Nick Noonan throws right.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Nick Noonan is 25 years old.
Nick Noonan is a second baseman for the San Fancisco Giants.
Nick Noonan was born May 4, 1989, in Poway, CA, USA.
Blaire Noonan is 5' 6".
Jimmy Noonan is 6' 2".
Michele Noonan is 5' 6".