NHL player Nazem Kadri was born on 10-06-90 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 23 years old.
Nazem Kadri was born on 1990-10-06.
NHL player Nazem Kadri weighs 188 pounds.
Nazem Kadri plays for the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Nazem Kadri plays center for the Toronto Maple Leafs.
NHL player Nazem Kadri shoots left.
Nazem Kadri was born in London, Ontario on 10-06-90.
Nazem Kadri is number 43 on the Toronto Maple Leafs.
yes he is
nazem kadri
Haysam Kadri is 5' 11".
Kathryn Kadri is 5' 4".
Farzad Nazem was born in 1961.