Mikael Samuelsson plays for the Detroit Red Wings.
NHL player Mikael Samuelsson weighs 218 pounds.
Mikael Samuelsson was born in Mariefred, Sweden on 12-23-76.
NHL player Mikael Samuelsson shoots right.
Mikael Samuelsson was born on December 23, 1976, in Mariefred, Sdermanland, Sweden.
Mikael Samuelsson plays right wing for the Detroit Red Wings.
Mikael Samuelsson is number 37 on the Detroit Red Wings.
NHL player Mikael Samuelsson was born on 12-23-76 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 37 years old.
He uses the Salming brand.
Emma Samuelsson is 167 cm.
NHL player Philip Samuelsson is 6'-02''.
Mikael Marcimain is 5' 10".