Mike Ladouceur is 5' 6".
Tania Ladouceur is 5' 5".
Randy Ladouceur was born on 1960-06-30.
Dan Ladouceur was born on 1973-11-26.
Jacques LaDouceur was born on 1959-04-29.
Bob Ladouceur was born on 1954-07-03.
L.P. LaDouceur plays for the Dallas Cowboys.
L.P. LaDouceur is number 91 on the Dallas Cowboys.
L. P. Ladouceur was born on 1981-03-13.
L.P. LaDouceur plays Long Snapper for the Dallas Cowboys.
NFL player L.P. LaDouceur played for California.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season L.P. LaDouceur is 33 years old.