Kelcy Quarles plays for the New York Giants.
Kelcy Quarles plays Defensive Tackle for the New York Giants.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Kelcy Quarles is 22 years old.
NFL player Kelcy Quarles played for South Carolina.
NFL player Kelcy Quarles weighs 298 pounds.
Shelton Quarles is 6' 1".
Bill Quarles is 6 feet 3 inches tall.
No, Alicia Quarles is not related to Norma Quarles.
Kelcy is my Aunty i don no whut u r talkeing buut
Steven Quarles goes by Steve Quarles.
Shelton Quarles's birth name is Shelton Eugene Quarles.
Where are alicia quarles children,?