Greivis Vasquez plays for the Toronto Raptors.
Greivis Vasquez is number 21 on the Toronto Raptors.
Greivis Vasquez plays point guard for the Toronto Raptors.
NBA player Greivis Vasquez weighs 211 pounds.
NBA player Greivis Vasquez played for Maryland.
Greivis Vasquez is 30 years old. He was born on January 16, 1987.
NBA player Greivis Vasquez made $2150188 in the 2013-2014 season.
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Juan Dixon. Greivis Vasquez has an outside chance to catch him.
Scoring the Deal - 2013 NFL Pro Joe Haden Lists the Family Maryland Estate and NBA Star Greivis Vasquez Moves to New Orleans 1-4 was released on: USA: 15 January 2013
La La Vasquez is 5'6" tall.
Mirna Vasquez is 5' 2".