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Q: How performance of our self affects your reputation?
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no, your tardiness in studying affects your school performance. The size of your head or brain is not related in the school performance.

Shaundra has a reputation for being an egotist?


Does the amount of songs effect performance of you Iphone 5?

It shouldn't, the amount of songs only affects the amount of space, not RAM, which is what affects your performance.

How does your self-talk affect your academic performance?

self talk affects your academic performance either negatively or positively...if you only tell yourself that you're not ready for the test or how poorly you usually do on exams more than likely you won't do well... if you prepare yourself and know you can pass the test and have applied yourself then you propably will do jus fine

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How Music affects performance?

it affects your performance because different types of music helps you concentrate better but yet it all depends on the type of person and their personality.

What is a black mark?

A black mark is something which negatively affects a person's reputation.

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How does durgs affects sports performance?

they can make you faster and stronger

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How does altitude affects performance in sports?

it depends on which sport you are playing.

How does oxygen debt affect performance?

it affect performance because lactic acid builds up in your muscles, which then causes shortness of breath and affects performance.