to make massive amounts of money
The average musician makes 66,000 dollars a year. Although most musicians do not make enough salary to really live on.
Well, it depends. Usually more people the more money musician$ can get.
That depends on how famous you get (not how good you are). Fame pays handsomely, especially in pop music.
"To make a lot of money and retire." Failing at that, he would have settled for working as a musician for a few years, then going to Art school.
It allows a musician to make music.
The easiest way is probably to record an album and try to sell it But in general a record company might buy the rights to a musicians song and that way the company can promote it to a wider audience and make money off of it, while paying the musician a royalty (a small percentage of the money made off the song)
$41,600 a yearwhy
As I know the word "bibi", it simply mean "Bye Bye". Sort of a toddler language. What parents teach their children in order to make sure they become dyslectic as they grow up. Possibly other definitions that I dont know of.
he made the stapler so he could put papers together without gluing it
It depends on how well-known of a musician you are. If the drummer has had his own band before that was reasonably successful he would make more money than a brand new drummer. But they probably make about 2 or 3 thousand per concert, which adds up if they're a regular crew member.