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Tiger Woods is an extreme example - pulling in around $100 million - who endorses a wide variety of products.

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It depends on how much money the team pays the player

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12y ago

Average NBA players make $ 5,000,000 a season

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Q: How much money does a professional athlete make a year?
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How much money do professional athlete s make?

It depends how good they are. If they are as googd as LeBron James or Randy Moss, you'll make milloions!! <3

How much does a professional athlete make a day?

If the athlete made $1,000,000 a year, they would make $2,739 a day. But really it depends on the Athlete.

How much does a professional athlete make a year?

How much a professional athlete makes each year depends on how well he or she does in that sport and how many sponsors and advertisers work with the athlete. A professional athlete has the potential to make millions of dollars per year.

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It depends on the sport and you spelled make wrong

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It really depends on the sport.

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