It depend in what position did you apply
A product speacialist at Neiman Marcus does not make any money as he does not work in a mint. But if you are interested in how much money he earns then unfortunately I cannot answer this question.
5 cents a minute
1 hours
Only 9 were built in 2003 and they were not street legal. They sold for $555,000 through the Neiman Marcus catalog.The Tomahawk is a factory prototype and not for sale
You go to the website or to the department stores like Saks a fifth, Nordstrom, or Neiman Marcus.
Sales Associates make 9 per cent in cosmetics at Neiman Marcus. When you return anything....the commission is reversed. Yes, this is so. And since it's commission based you can make anywhere from $ 40.000 to $ 80.000 or more. But not less, since if you make less you are not making your goal and are in danger of losing your job.
uhm, I'm kinda thinking they didn't have cellphones in the past mmk peace [: Not so true. Search Wiki for more information on the origins of Mobile Phones. In fact, I've found reference that Neiman Marcus offered a telephone in the 1971 Ford Thunderbird. Still looking for information on how much they cost. -- Mark
depending on where you work mainly, where i live in Jersey its usually 12.99 hr. if ur rele rele good...but thats rarely
A LOT of money!! $$$$$
Neiman Marcus can be a varitable shoppers delight when it comes to name brands in everything from Women's Apparel with names like Liz Clairborne,DNKY,& SPANX to Linens to Men's Sportswear from Polo, Nike, Ralph Lauren,to name few.