NHL player Tim Sestito weighs 200 pounds.
Tom Sestito was born on 1987-09-28.
NHL player Tom Sestito is 6'-05''.
Tom Sestito plays for the Vancouver Canucks.
Tom Sestito is number 29 on the Vancouver Canucks.
Tom Sestito plays left wing for the Vancouver Canucks.
NHL player Tom Sestito shoots left.
Tom Sestito was born in Utica, New York on 09-28-87.
NHL player Tom Sestito was born on 09-28-87 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 26 years old.
Fulvio Sestito is 6'.
how much does tom hardy weigh nov. 2013
Tim Sestito was born on 1984-08-28.