Sean Couturier was born on 1992-12-07.
NHL player Sean Couturier is 6'-04''.
Sean Couturier plays for the Philadelphia Flyers.
Sean Couturier plays center for the Philadelphia Flyers.
Sean Couturier is number 14 on the Philadelphia Flyers.
Sean Couturier was born in Phoenix, Arizona on 12-07-92.
NHL player P.A. Parenteau shoots right.
NHL player Sean Couturier was born on 12-07-92 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 21 years old.
MLB player Sean Burnett weighs 180 pounds.
MLB player Sean Doolittle weighs 212 pounds.
MLB player Sean Marshall weighs 224 pounds.
MLB player Sean Nolin weighs 230 pounds.