Devan Dubnyk plays for the Montreal Canadiens.
Devan Dubnyk plays goalie for the Montreal Canadiens.
Devan Dubnyk was born in Regina, Saskatchewan on 05-04-86.
NHL player Devan Dubnyk shoots left.
NHL player Devan Dubnyk was born on 05-04-86 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 28 years old.
Nikolai Khabibalin, Jeff Deslauriers, Devan Dubnyk
The name Devan does not have a direct translation in Hawaiian.
Devan means Poet. The origin of the name Devan is Irish
Devan was born on 1913-09-08.
Janadas Devan was born in 1954.
Kyle DeVan was born in 1984.
Joseph Devan is 5' 9".