NBA player Damian Lillard made $3202920 in the 2013-2014 season.
Damian Lillard was born on July 15, 1990
Damian Lillard was born on July 15, 1990
Damian Lillard plays for the Portland Trail Blazers.
Damian Lillard plays point guard for the Portland Trail Blazers.
Damian Lillard plays for the Portland Trail Blazers.
Damian Lillard is 27 years old (birthdate July 15, 1990).
Damian Lillard wears a size 12 shoe, the average for his height.
Damian Lillard is 27 years old (birthdate July 15, 1990).
No he has a wife, Kay'La Hanson.
6 feet and 3 inches.