Colton Orr was born on March 3, 1982.
Colton Orr was born on March 3, 1982.
NHL player Colton Orr is 6'-03''.
Colton Orr plays for the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Colton Orr was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba on 03-03-82.
NHL player Colton Orr shoots right.
colton orr
Colton Orr is 29 years old (birthdate: March 3, 1982).
Colton Orr is number 28 on the Toronto Maple Leafs.
NHL player Colton Sceviour weighs 200 pounds.
NHL player Colton Sissons weighs 189 pounds.
NFL player Colton Schmidt weighs 220 pounds.