Cindey Klassen didn't make any money from speed skating. Skating is a non-profit sport, she obviously go money through sponsors and suck, but skating itself, doesn't give money. Just the Joy of winning, and the loveof the sport.
400682415644628 a year thanks for the qustion
About2.5 million dollars a year, without endorsements.
Michael Phelps makes 5 million dollars in endorsements a year
Many NFL players make millions of dollars in endorsements every year. Peyton Manning of the Denver Broncos makes about $25 million per year in endorsements.
He gets endorsements from companies.
5 mil including endorsements
Fawty dillion
2 million per game Peyton Manning makes about $15 million annually in endorsements.
To much. Simply to much.
The average golfer in the PGA can expect to earn $2 million from endorsements each year. Golfers such as Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy make much more.