Mariano Rivera pitched 67 innings in his rookie season of 1995.
MLB players lose their rookie status at the beginning of the season after having pitched 50 total innings, having 130 total at bats, or having been on an MLB team's roster for 45 days.
Derek Jeter Mariano Rivera Chipper Jones
Mariano Rivera, Trevor Hoffman, Tim Wakefield, John Smoltz
I would pick Miriano Rivera. He's always been pretty consistent and just because he's blown two saves doesn't make him a bad closer.
Mariano Azuela was born on January 1, 1873 and died on March 1, 1952. Mariano Azuela would have been 79 years old at the time of death or 142 years old today.
Mariano Álvarez was born on March 15, 1818 and died on August 25, 1924. Mariano Álvarez would have been 106 years old at the time of death or 197 years old today.
Mariano Moreno was born on September 23, 1778 and died on March 4, 1811. Mariano Moreno would have been 32 years old at the time of death or 236 years old today.
Mariano Arista was born on July 26, 1802 and died on August 7, 1855. Mariano Arista would have been 53 years old at the time of death or 213 years old today.
Mariano Rivera single signed baseballA Mariano Rivera single signed baseball is worth about $100.00 - $150.00 Value is based on average prices of recently closed auctions. Prices may vary based on condition, and the type of authenticity that accompanies the signature. Signatures that have not been properly authenticated could sell at half the market value or less. Add for inscriptions.Collectors will pay more for inscriptions such as "WS MVP" and pay less for personalized inscriptions like "Good Luck Chuck"
Mariano José de Larra was born on March 24, 1809 and died on February 13, 1837. Mariano José de Larra would have been 27 years old at the time of death or 206 years old today.
He is the last active player to wear the uniform number that has been retired by all other teams in honor of the late Jackie Robinson. When Rivera's career ends, no other Yankees player will ever again wear it.
49 major leaguers have been born in Panama. Rod Carew, Mariano Rivera and Carlos Lee are among the best Panamanian-born big leaguers.
José Eustasio Rivera was born on February 19, 1888 and died on December 1, 1928. José Eustasio Rivera would have been 40 years old at the time of death or 127 years old today.