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About a million people have died from extreme sports. Some of which include working out alone.

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Elza Larkin

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3y ago
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12y ago

Its probably very tough to say, because there are lots of extreme sports, most of which have an element of danger involved, so probably quite a few people. An exact number would not be possible to specify.

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14y ago

In 2010, a Chicago Bears fan fell out of the stadium and died. In the past 20 years, many fans fell out of upper decks at Baseball games; most were deadly. Also in 2010, a two year old fell out a sky box at a Lakers game and he died.

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13y ago

About 3.5 million people are hurt in various sports. The sports with the most injuries is Basketball with a half a million getting hurt. This is followed by bicycle accidents with head injuries resulting in death. Drowning while swimming and skiing accidents also are high in death data. The sources I used to get this information did not break down the exact number of deaths out of each sport, just the numbers hurt in each sport.

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14y ago

Annual Sports Deaths. Three to four million young men and women participate annually in organized high school and college athletics in the United States.

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