Well. Say that the athlete is cocky, arrogant, too good for the team,If he doesn't believe that the team is good enough for him, he'll probably perform poorly to get out. If he a workaholic type never good enough, he'll perform at his best, yet complain about how he's not good enough. If they are like ho-hum, I don't care their performance will be mediorce. Personality is a key in sports.
If you dont like the sport then you probably wont play as well as you would if you did like it. If you are just sad or angry then it depends on how you react and the sport. In some cases, being angry can make you play better.
If you have dehydration, you become lightheaded and sometimes black out so it could make you lousy in the sport or the sports training.
"seasonal". And it doesnt effect sport performance.
It makes them think so much about the anxiety that they can think about the sport the are playing (I'm only 8).
Drugs effect nerves in your body that can paralyze you so you wouldn't be able to play sports
Personality is sports is the way that an athletes acts, thinks and carries themself.
it depends on which sport you are playing.
ALL DRUGS will affect your performance in some sort of way.
personality can effect performance in a sport by thinking that they are better then the other players.people could think " oh I'm the best i don't have to worry about anyone else because they suck." that could effect because its a team sport there's no I in team. the other players could dislike you because of that and not let you participate in anymore of there practices or games.
UK Sport's motto is 'The UK's high performance sports agency'.
If you're a determined person you're more likely to suceed in sports as well as life. If you're a lazy person you won't generally be as good at sports. Such as not caring about anything will result in not caring about the sport most of the time.
smoking kills.