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well in football if you are a offensive lineman and the ball is snapped they can flatten you on your back and give you a concussion. In Baseball a ball can come flying at you and smack you. In hockey a puck can come and hit you and hurt you. In Basketball your teammate can pass the ball at your head. In soccer a ball can be kicked hard at you. In tennis a ball can hit you in your stomach very hard.

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Q: How does lack of concentration lead to injuries in sport?
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Factors that lead to injuries in sports?

1. lack of stretching your muscles (warm-up) 2. over-working your muscles

Why is feedback and concentration important in gymnastics?

Feedback is important in the sport of gymnastics because it lets an athlete know what is needed to be done to help perfect a skill or routine. Constructive criticism is always good too. A gymnast will get used to being judged and being told what needs to be fixed. If they are good listeners, this will only make them stronger. Concentration is important in the sport of gymnastics because without concentration, lack of focus will only lead to injury and a gymnast will not excel very far. Concentration is key in growing into a skilled athlete. The better the concentration, the better the gymnast.

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Any motion can lead to a variety of injuries. An overhead arm movement can result in certain shoulder injuries.

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Yes, someone with ADD can hold down a job. But they may have a little bit of difficulty performing some tasks due to lack to interest which could lead to lack to concentration.

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To determine if there are dangerous levels of lead in local soil, soil testing should be conducted by a qualified professional. Lead contamination in soil can be harmful, especially to children and pregnant women, so it is important to assess and address any potential risks to public health.

How does manual handling effect sport?

Manual handling in sport can increase the risk of injuries, such as strains and sprains, due to improper lifting techniques or overexertion. Athletes and coaches should be educated on proper lifting and carrying techniques to prevent injuries during training or competition. Failure to follow correct manual handling practices can lead to both short-term and long-term consequences on an athlete's performance and overall well-being.

Are sports bad for American culture?

no and yes...... they are good because you meet new people test your abilitys have fun. they are bad because they can lead to permanate injuries also when you retire from a sport you will be all banged. also do you like hospitals?

Why are fingertip injuries problematic?

Fingertip injuries are extremely dangerous since they comprise the most common hand injuries and can lead to significant disability. Fingertip injuries can cause damage to the tendons, nerves, or veins in the hands.