Work- Work could affect your performance because if you have a job that you have to do lots of manual labour you will be exhausted/fatigued by the time you come to perform. Also if you work alternating shifts your body becomes confused and you will be tired and this will affect you performance. If you have a stressful job this can also affect your performance one because you may be thinking about other things and two it might make you tried or feel unwell.
Since sport is not work, the Health and Safety at WorkAct does not affect it.
Team work.
It doesn't. It is an act cover safety at work, not at play.
Group dynamics (or team dynamics) is the nature of the interaction between team members. A team is a group of two or more people who work together to achieve the same goal (tennis doubles). BY s.h
It affects your concentration and the performance. If you're very anxious, you can not focus or concentrate on work, school, and sports.
Well I would say that the definitions of performance in sport is: How you do something, how well you do it, and how much work you put into it.
Ergogenic aids are intended to benefit individuals physical work capacity, physiologic function or athletic performance.
because it makes the motor work harder to pull ur fat ass up that hill
Organizational environment is made up of institutions or forces outside of the organization that can affect their performance. A work environment is any location people work.
17-50 Sports psychology is the study of how psychological factors influence sports, athletic performance, exercise, and physical activity. Behavioral bases of sport and exercise (e.g., exercise physiology, motor learning, sports medicine).
The price of a stain remover does not necessarily indicate its performance. Some affordable stain removers can work just as effectively as more expensive ones. It's essential to look at the product's ingredients and customer reviews to determine its performance.