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Q: How does Interpersonal communication influences athletes performances in sports competition?
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What are the six main health skills?

accessing information,advocacy,self-management,analyzing influences,decision making/goal setting,and interpersonal communication

What are the key concepts as determinants of interpersonal behavior?

Key concepts that determine interpersonal behavior include individual differences, social norms and expectations, communication styles, emotional intelligence, and cultural influences. These factors interact to shape how individuals interact with others and form relationships. Understanding these key concepts can help improve communication and relationships with others.

What is Behavior within interpersonal influences?

Behavior within interpersonal influences refers to the ways in which individuals' actions and decisions are shaped by interactions with others. These interactions can include social norms, peer pressure, family dynamics, and other interpersonal relationships that influence an individual's choices and behavior.

How does meta-cognition and social cognition influence interpersonal behaviors?

Meta-cognition, which involves thinking about thinking, can impact interpersonal behaviors by influencing how individuals process social information and make decisions in social interactions. Social cognition, on the other hand, influences interpersonal behaviors by shaping how individuals perceive, interpret, and respond to the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of others. Both meta-cognition and social cognition play a crucial role in guiding individuals' understanding of themselves and others, ultimately shaping their interpersonal interactions and relationships.

How does organizational behavior affects productivity?

Organizational behavior influences productivity by shaping employees' attitudes, motivation, communication patterns, and team dynamics. A positive organizational culture, clear expectations, effective leadership, and strong interpersonal relationships can enhance productivity. Conversely, negative behaviors like conflict, poor communication, and lack of trust can decrease productivity.

Define dyadic encounter?

The dyadic encounter is a creative, innovative, in-depth interaction that two or more persons make. It is usually an interpersonal communication writing exercise on a one-to-one basis. The purpose of a dyadic encounter is to help an individual realize the importance of various personal influences on communication and to analyze and document the process that occurs as a relationship is established. How the relationship changes and/or grows.

What is an external influence?

Exernal influences are the influences your company has no control over it involves the ecomony, demography, competition, technological,ecological and also political.

What influences a market economy?

supply and demand competition no government interaction idk if these are right????

Major influences on business buyer behavior?

The major influences on BBB are the environmental,organizational,interpersonal and individual influences. Environmental: economic devt., supply conditions,technological change,political and regulatory devt.,competitive devt. and culture and customs. Organizational: Objectives,Policies,Procedures,Organizational structure and systems. Interpersonal: Authority, Status, Empathy, Persuasiveness, Individual: Age, Income,Education,Job Position,Personality and Risk attitudes.

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What are financial influences in business?

Financial influences in business is the deregulation resulting in the opening up for the financial industry to much greater competition. Deregulation - Is the removal of government regulation from industry, which increases efficiency and improving competition. Bibliography: Business in action text book Preliminary Course

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