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How to wrap an ankle in sports depends on the kind of injury, if it is a sprain you probably want to wrap pre-wrap around your ankle and the bottom of your foot and your ankle. Then you want to take some heavy-duty athletic tape and cover the area that you pre-wrapped, wrapping the tape around your ankle and under your foot.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

There are braces that one can wear to support their ankle after they have sprained it. The brace will go on each side of the ankle as well as down and around the bottom of the foot. They usually cost around 20-30 dollars. One could also wrap their ankle with an ace bandage. One would want to wrap in a similar manner as the brace (around the ankle and then down around the foot). Large pharmacy stores (like Walgreens or Rite Aid) usually sell ace bandages and a few ankle braces. One should check with their doctor first, however, to make sure it is not a more serious injury.

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How can ankle injuries occur in sports?

Ankle injuries can occur in any kind of sport, when the ankle is twisted out of place. Football is a good example where there are sudden changes in direction. Any activity that causes a person to land heavily on their feet such as gymnastics or hurdling can also cause ankle problems.

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To properly tape an ankle for soccer, start by wrapping a strip of athletic tape around the foot, then wrap the tape around the ankle in a figure-eight pattern. Make sure the tape is snug but not too tight. This can help prevent injuries and provide support during games.

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He wears the Adidas speed wrap ankle brace available in September 09

Where can I get information on ankle injuries?

If you are worried that you may have broken our ankle go see your doctor, so that x-rays can be done on your ankle. Otherwise I have a couple of sites you can check out about sprained ankles

Where can one find more information about ankle injuries?

More information on ankle injuries can be found online or at a doctor's office. WebMD can help with providing symptoms, treatments, and conditions of ankle injuries. One can also receive more information from a certified doctor.

Where can I get information on ankle injuries caused by running?

Well there are hip and thigh, foot, leg and knee injuries that are common to runners. If your injured in your ankle, it could either be an ankle strain injury or Achilles tendonitis, when the tendon at the back of the ankle is in pain. For any of these injuries, immediate help is needed. The sooner they're treated the quicker the recovery.

Which contact sport has the most injuries?

Rugby is the violentest sport and injuries occur alot.

What types of ankle injuries are most often reported by runners?

The are many types of injuries reported by runners. There are swollen ankles, bone joint in the ankle and there are many other different types of injuries reported by runners.

Are ankle injuries the most common running injury?

You are right, it seems that the most common injury is ankle sprains, but along with the ankle, others include torn ACLs, pulled hamstrings, shin splints, or knee injuries.

Definition of recurrent injuries?

Injuries that you get repeatedly. If you keep on spraining the same ankle, it is a recurrent injury.

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