You stay eligible for sports by keeping up a b average and having less than 2 f's. If you have 3 f's your inelegible. It may be different for your school, but that's what it is at my school.
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99% are ineligible. Which means only 1% are able to play. Grades and past behavior has a lot to do with it.
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If you are not ineligible, then that means you are eligible.
If 25% of a category is ineligible then 100% will be made ineligible.
I am sorry but you are ineligible to enter this competition as you are not old enough.
The following websites (separated by a comma) offer information on how to become a sports agent:,,
In order to become a sports agent without a degree in sports managment you would have to have some sort of in with a company. Most companies require a degree.
High school students can only played varsity level sports for four years in a single sport. They are ineligible to play after four years.
The prefix in ineligible is '-IN. A smart person doesn't have to try and figure that out.