Sadly he had a cancer called BONE CANCER the thing that killed him was some cells of cancer left over from when he lost his leg still left which went to his lungs and he had 2 tumors on each of hid lungs size of golfbàlls
Terry had his leg amputated in 1977.
terry took off his fake leg before he slept
Terry fox lived in Canada where he ran the marathon with one leg
Terry Fox recieved his prosthetic leg some time in March or April of 1977, and died on June 28, 1981, at the age of 22.
Terry Fox was a Canadian. Known as the inspiration of the Marathon of Hope, Terry Fox died from cancer.
in 1977
He was 10 years old.
in the winter of 1978
Terry Fox dipped his leg in the Atlantic Ocean right before he started his marathon in 1980 April 12
Terry Fox had osteosarcoma (cancer) in his right knee that caused it to be amputated.
The one leg city
terry is a hero who ran across Canada to raise money for cancer with a fake leg.