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Q: How did cultural difference play a part in the attack on Charles summer by Preston brooks?
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Where did Preston Brooks attack Charles Sumner?

The continued use of the code duello among Southern gentlemen

What did Preston Brooks attack Charles Sumner?

The increasing political conflict between North and South. (Apex)

What did Representative Preston Brooks attack in sumner Charles Sumner at his desk in congress show?

The increasing political conflict between North and South ~Apex

Why was Charles sumner beaten?

Preston Brooks believed he "offended" his family so their for a beating was the "proper punishment"

Why did Preston Brooks attack Charles Sumner in 1854?

The increasing political conflict between North and South.Congressman Preston Brooks from South Carolina attacked Senator Charles Sumner with his walking cane, at Sumner's desk in the Senate because of a speech Sumner made that blamed Southerners for the pro slavery violence in Kansas. Sumner was beaten and defaced so badly that he did not return back to Senate for three years. When news spread of this event, Southerners supplied Brooks with many replacement walking canes.

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