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just keep on pretending the person will come after you

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Q: How can you pretend on the person you love but work in the same environment?
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Would you tell him that you realized you don't love him anymore?

Yes my ex ended things as he lost feelings for me and doesnt love me and its better he told me then pretend to love me and i would do the same. its not fair on the person if you pretend to have certain feelings

How can I say love you to a person?

You can say "I love you" to a person when you feel like you do and when you get the feeling that the other person feels the same about you... But you have to be sure that you do love that person for love is a strong word as hate....

Can you love the same person again after falling out of love with them?

no! unless they change

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Do you love a person when you feel confused?

When your confused those are your own feelings, if the feeling you have toward a person is a confusing feeling then it is not love. Confused and Love aren't the same thing, they are pretty close but not the same.

What if you love the person but they dont love you back the same way?

you should forget him or her,and find a person who love you the way you is not someone else i been there

What does love mean in dutch?

Love has the same meaning, no matter which language it is. Love is the infatuation of one person to another, or one person to a thing.

Is love and death the same?

No. Death is something that happens to a person. Love is a feeling.

How can you love a person?

Love grow's if you and that particular person feel's the same way about each other. Love cannot be forced. So get to know this person before you try and love him/she.Hope i helped!

What do you do when you love someone your supposed to hate?

Why are you suppose to hate this person? Love is a feeling that can grow for a person. If you love this person, that's a natural feeling. Hopefully they feel the same way about you.

What do you do if you're in a relationship and someone else tells you they love you?

You should be honest to yourself. If you love the person you are in relationship with then say no to the other person . If you don't love your boy friend that you don't want to be with him.If you love the person you are with then continue on with the relationship and the person that told you they love you will have to accept from you that that you do not love them. You do not owe the other person anything and either remain true to the person you are going with or breakup and date the person that told you they love you if you have the same feelings for them.

Who is your wife and the one you love?

Hopefully the same person.