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Q: How can success in sports be ephemeral?
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What is a sentence ephemeral?

We must believe that bad times last ephemeral. Ephemeral means time that does not last for long.

When was Ephemeral Museum created?

Ephemeral Museum was created in 2008.

Is ephemeral and evanescent synonyms?

That is correct. Ephemeral and evanescent are synonyms.

How do you spell ephemeral?

That is the correct spelling of "ephemeral" (short-lived, or fleeting).

How do you use ephemeral in a sentence?

"The joys of childhood only seem ephemeral in retrospect." "Large gains in stock prices are often ephemeral." "The lives of most insects are ephemeral, so the exceptions are more remarkable."

What part of speech is ephemeral?

The word "ephemeral" is an adjective. It describes something that lasts for a very short time or has a short lifespan.

A sentence using the word ephemeral?

The beauty of a blooming flower is ephemeral, lasting only a few days before wilting.

A sentence with ephemeral?

The beauty of the sunset was ephemeral, disappearing quickly behind the horizon.

What is a sentence using the word ephemeral?

"The ephemeral life of common flies is the basis for the word's meaning." "There were several ephemeral governments in Italy between 1979 and 1982." "The investigator hoped to photograph the ephemeral displays created by lightning flashes." "The blooming of most desert plants is ephemeral, and may occur after infrequent or seasonal rainfall."

What is the part of speech in ephemeral?

The word ephemeral is an adjective. It describes something which lasts for a short time.

What is the meaning of 'ephemeral'?

Ephemeral means something that is short-lived or fleeting, lasting for a very brief period of time.

How do you put ephemeral in a sentence?

Lasting for a very short time, short-lived; transitory: the ephemeral joys of childhood. It can mean "lasting one day". As in Ephemeral Flowers, they last one day. Or in computer terminology an ephemeral port is a transport protocol port for Internet Protocol communications where each client process is assigned a temporary port number for its use. When that process is complete the port is closed.