Most of the time. If death were not the result then a pair of severely broken legs are to be expected.
32 feet broken down into decimal form would be said to be equal to 32.00.
If your feet are broken, you see a doctor to get them fixed. Bones need to heal. They may be in a cast for that. You may need tendons sewn together. It is important to get your feet to heal correctly.
The arm is broken the most
Granularity is the extent to which is system is broken down into smaller parts. It can be either the system itself or its description. For example it can be a yard broken down into inches or a yard broken down into feet. The yard broken down into inches has finer granularity then the yard broken down into feet.
It depends on which country you are in. The USA uses feet.
Silence is most useful when broken.
There are broken shackles around her ankles to represent freedom from opression.
It's the broken shackles that were on her ankles. They represented tyranny and the fact that they are broken represents freedom.
No but he has broken sone bones there
what bill of rights was broken the most by the u.s government???
Tyrannical, governmental oppression is signified by the broken chains that are shackled to The Statue of Liberty's feet.