The designation 40 is a secondary line of retail store model bats. The bat with the designation B.R.J. after the 40 stands for Babe Ruth Junior, and would be a smaller sized Little League bat. Hillerich & Bradsby Co. Louisville Slugger has used different oval center brands in their history. By identifying the center label, trade marks, and patens you can narrow down the year to what era the bat was made.
For example: a bat made between 1916 - 1929 will have HILLERERICH & BRADSBY Co in the center label as opposed to J.F. HILLERERICH & SON Co as the bats made before. TRADE MARK REG US PAT OFF appears below the oval and changed to TRADE MARK REG in 1930.
"Bone Rubbed" is a process to harden the surface of the bat and appears on bats made in the 1920s The "Powerized"process was first used, and patented by the Hillerich & Bradsby Co. in 1931 and has pat. pending beneath the stamp. Powerized and Bone Rubbed" logo is used during the 1932 season. In 1933 and 1934 you will see it stamped "Powerized and Oil Tempered" which usually is a very light heat foil type print. in 1935 until present, they go with just "Powerized"For more information on vintage Baseball bats, value, and dating I will leave links below
A pig in babe pig in the city
Do you mean David Bowie's Fame.
It is text-speak for "babe"bbe is a shorter word for babe
It means you are a beautiful babe that rose from heaven and that every one wants your number, and you will marry Liam Payne!
Poka krasotka, if you mean to say babe to a hot girl
She either likes you or just calls everyone babe.
Babe or baby
hey babe
go to google tranlations I am going to assume you mean babe as a baby or newborn. In that case the translation would be no bebe. If you mean babe as a term of endearment, I don't know.
What do you mean