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Q: Does kyrie mean lady and lord?
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What does Kyrie mean?

"Kyrie" is greek. It's part of the expression "Kyrie Eleison" which means "Lord, have mercy". Thus, "Kyrie" means "Lord" as in "God". it also means mister in greek, E.g. Kyrie sas parakalo voithiste me! trans.: Mister, please help me

What is kyrie eleison in English?

what is the meaning of kyrie eleison in english

Can you translate the latin word kyrie eleison in English and filipino?

In English, "Kyrie Eleison" translates to "Lord, have mercy." In Filipino, it would be "Panginoon, maawa ka."

What language is Kyrie eleison?

Kyrie eleison comes to us from Greek. It means Lord, have mercy.

What does the name kyree mean?

Kyree is an alternate spelling of Kyrie, which is of Greek origin and means the Lord.

What is 'Kyrie fons bonitatis' in English?

Lord, fountain of mercy is the English equivalent of 'Kyrie, fons bonitatis'. In the word by word translation, the noun 'Kyrie' is Greek for 'Lord'. The noun 'fons' means 'fountain'. The noun bonitatis' means 'mercy'.

What is the kyrie chant?

A greek prayer, Kyrie eleison (Κύριε ελέησον), meaning "LORD, have mercy," that is often sung in Mass.

What is it called when you say Lord have mercy Christ have mercy?

the Kyrie

What is the translation of kyrie in English?

The Greek word Kyrios (κύριος) means "lord, Lord, master".

What did 'lady' mean in the middle ages?

that you are a lord's wife

What is the meaning of kyrie in filipino?

Gathering of the crush

What does the text of kyrie come from?

Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison "Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy" are the only Greek words in the Latin mass.